
My first EVER trip to London!

Last month I made my first ever visit to London and it was everything I had been hoping for (if not more)! Many people were surprised that I made it all the way to twenty- one without once taking a trip to the Capital (the closest I managed to get was Watford for the Harry Potter Studio Tour). For so long I had wanted to see London with my own eyes, rather than just on television or film, but I had never quite been able to afford it. It turns out post- grad life isn’t all that bad as working full- time meant that I was able to save up enough money so that I could finally tick London off my bucket list!
I took this trip with two of my best friends from uni, Jess and Maisie, who were both quite familiar with central London and were able to successfully navigate us around the London Underground the whole time we were there. I am so grateful that I had them with me because it was like having my very own personal tour guides! They took me to all the ‘touristy’ spots and although we were only in London for three days and two nights, we still managed to cram so much in! Read on to find out exactly what we got up to…

Day one:

After arriving at King’s Cross Station, we headed straight for Camden Market via the Underground (I found my very first Tube experience to be both terrifying and thrilling – I felt as if I had just stepped into a film). Camden Market was something else entirely; a bustling, vibrant and quirky scene. We enjoyed some street food, had a browse through the market and relaxed with a drink by Camden Lock. Later that evening we went out for dinner and then a few drinks. Soon after we headed back to the hotel to catch some sleep with a busy day of sight- seeing ahead of us.

Day two:

Our second day was absolutely jam packed full of sight- seeing (we seriously did so many steps!). Since we were staying at Tower Hill, we were close to Tower Bridge and so we began a walk from there right along The Thames. I saw London Bridge, Millennium Bridge, Shakespeare’s Globe, the London Eye, Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament. Along the way we also called off at Tate Modern which I had been so desperate to visit, so I was very happy we managed to fit this into our busy schedule! We also took the Tube to Buckingham Palace which was an absolute dream come true and I was ridiculously happy to discover the Queen was in residence. From there we made our way back to the hotel to get ready for an exciting evening in Covent Garden – we went out for dinner and then across to the Cambridge theatre to watch a production of Matilda. The show really was fantastic and it’s an experience I definitely won’t forget.

Day three:

On our last morning we rose bright and early headed straight over to Trafalgar Square. This was one of my favourite places of the trip as it had some stunning architecture and although I didn’t have time to take a look inside the National Gallery here, I wasn’t too disappointed as it gives me an excuse to go back! Since Covent Garden was close by, we had breakfast there and then had a wander around since we didn’t have much time to do so the night before. Soon afterwards, it was time to head to King’s Cross to catch our train home and that concluded our trip to London.  

I had an absolutely amazing time and I can’t thank Jess and Maisie enough for being my personal tour guides and photographers! I’m sure I will be back in London again in the future to see everything that I missed out on this time round.